Write Over the Hump: Surprise Concepts

Some of the best things happen when we juxtapose things that don’t go together. Surprises can be fun. Write Over the Hump Set your timer for 10 minutes. Start with, “It really happened.” Use these words or phrases as part … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump: Descriptions that Sing

Recap of the “Rules”: Set your timer for 10 minutes. Read the prompt. Start the timer and begin writing. Keep writing no matter what. Don’t stop to think or fix anything. Stop when the timer dings. Beware: Timed writing can … Continue reading

Write Over The Hump: Outside the Box

Welcome to Write Over The Hump! I’ve learned, though teaching my “What If? Writing Group” classes**, that timed writing exercises are a great way to bypass the conscious mind and enter fully into the subconscious. Timed writing shuts off the … Continue reading

Death, Life and Writing

It’s been an interesting year, starting last October, when I almost died from pneumonia, heart problems and pulmonary blood clots. While it’s been both an interesting and scary experience, it’s also been a blessing. Mainly because all the tests showed … Continue reading