Write Over The Hump

Good, or positive, feelings are just as important as the bad, or negative, ones in our writing. But even good feelings can be hard to control if they are very strong. Here’s a little practice in expressing what fills you … Continue reading

Write Over The Hump

What happens when the unexpected hits? That’s what you need to unravel today as you set your timer for 10 minutes and write. He woke up with the coil tattooed on his chest.

Write Over The Hump

Take something ordinary and twist it into something extraordinary. Or unusual. Or even dangerous. That’s your task for today’s 10-minute exercise. Tea, they said, is good for you, and I believed them.

Write Over The Hump

It’s fun to blame someone else for a problem or difficulty. Here’s your chance to let it all out on paper. Set that timer for 10 minutes and put the onus all on him! It was Caden’s fault, like always.

Write Over The Hump

Even a cliche situation can lead to fun and original stories, when we let our imaginations run wild. See what you can do with this cliche situation… in 10 minutes. She never should have gone into the attic.