Write Over the Hump

Another opportunity to wallow in the “Twist” that makes our stories really fly. Give yourself 15 minutes as you let your imagination take you to a place you maybe have never before been. “Hello, beautiful,” she called just as…

Write Over the Hump

Finding a plot is often the process of twisting the normal out of shape. We offer a toast to congratulate accomplishments, but sunny skies and happy times do not keep readers reading. You have 15 minutes to twist this toast … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump

This opening phrase gives you a lot to play with. Let your imagination flow… For an even more interesting challenge, connect it with the Fourth of July celebration that just passed. They gave him the wrong name, and because of … Continue reading

Write Over The Hump

For this week, we have a little saying that was one of my mother’s favorites. Set your timer for 10 minutes and see what you can do with it… This one will really stretch your writing muscles! This week’s prompt: … Continue reading

Write Over The Hump

If you’re just joining “Write Over The Hump”, know that you can change pronouns and names as you wish. Most importantly, don’t edit, don’t stop once you start writing, and don’t plan out what you will write. Just let the … Continue reading

Write Over The Hump

This is a fun prompt that should really get your creative juices flowing. Remember, you can change the pronoun, or even substitute an actual name. Then set your timer for 10 minutes and let the words flow. You might even … Continue reading