Write Over the Hump

We are a society of rules, and we should be. It’s what keeps order, keeps status quo on an even keel. But our stories are all about what happens when that status quo is disturbed, when the rules are broken. … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump

How often do we — and our characters — do something without thinking about it? Just go into a situation, or spout off a bunch of words, with nary a thought to what might happen. Use this prompt to explore … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump

This little line came to me at a church meeting where we were discussing what to do about the old chairs in the sanctuary. I jotted it down because it tickled my fancy. Now see what comes when you use … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump

Exploring meanings is integral to what we write. After all, if it doesn’t mean anything, why write about it? Here’s a prompt to get you writing about truth and what it means… for you and for your stories. They said … Continue reading