It’s finally out: Lord, Let Me Grow, A Journey With Jesus Through The Parables, Volume 1—a layman’s look at what Christ was teaching through His many stories.
The Bible Study group at church asked me to write it, and I did, a few years ago. Brandy McKay read it just recently and encouraged me to get it into print (thank you, Brandy!). So, I took a deep breath, edited, worked on the layout, and… it’s now here, live on Amazon, a print workbook that doubles as a spiritual journal.
This is something new for me, a departure from my usual mystery/suspense. A deep delving into the first 6 of Christ’s 36 Parables. I discuss each of them on three levels: the Mind (what it means); the Heart (how to put it into practice); and the Soul (its implications for our journey to God). Each section comes with questions and spaces to write your answers.
It can be used as a personal Faith Journal, with a faith partner for sharing, or as the base of a full Bible study group. (My church’s Bible study group has chosen to use this volume for their new session starting the first Sunday in July.) The book is spirit based and inter-faith, designed to help those who want to deepen their relationship with Jesus, or those who simply are searching for answers and wondering what His teachings mean for them.
I’m using a pen name for it, for two reasons: under Susan Tuttle, I “kill” people (on paper only, I swear!), which doesn’t quite fit with spiritual meditations; and to honor my maternal grandmother, Gertrude O’Neill, who chose my name when I was adopted. So, you’ll find Lord, Let Me Grow under the name Susan Grace O’Neill.
I’m so excited to embark on a new venture, so completely different from the fiction I write. I just had to tell the world! And I’m already working on the next 5 volumes to complete the series. I’ve also got a volume on Lent that will be out soon, so look for that. Susan Grace O’Neill is on a roll…
Oh, one last point: my genius cover designer, Aaron Kondziela, has designed the cover graphic to span all 6 volumes, so, set side-by-side, it will produce one full picture. Like I said, genius!
Lord, Let Me Grow is available in print on Amazon, just click here.