Write Over the Hump

Here’s a fun opening phrase to start off your Hump Day! It should give you plenty to think and write about. Set that timer and get to work, letting those words flow… The ball bounced three times before it….

The Scoop on Sub-Plotting

Today, we have words of wisdom on the value of, and how to insert, subplots into your stories, from Sue McGinty, acclaimed author of the Bella Kowalski mystery series. Her Q&A format leaves no stone overturned when it comes to … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump

Here’s something a little different for you to bite into, a strange and wonderful situation. It should make your creative juices sit up and take notice! Now, set your timer for 10-15 minutes, read the situation, and start writing! What … Continue reading

Demystifying POV

POV—point of view—is perhaps the easiest writing concept to understand intellectually, and yet the hardest to put into practice when writing. I did massive research when I began teaching fiction and creative nonfiction writing, and discovered that there doesn’t seem … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump

Today we have a sentence to start your imagination humming, something really weird for your muse to chomp on. Set your timer for 10 or 15 minutes, read the sentence below, and start writing. Let the words flow and just … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump

Today, we have an interesting picture for you to set your muse free on. What will you come up with? What story do you see here in this photograph? Set your timer for 15 minutes and start writing! What’s My … Continue reading