Write Over the Hump: Character Impressions

Most of us would be quite surprised to hear what other people really think of us. Now’s your chance to play with what you think others might say about you if they had the chance… It’s fun to do for … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump: Tonight’s Dinner Date

Who we hang out with, or would if we could be with anyone in the world, shows a lot about who we are. Same with our characters. The more we know about them, the easier it will be to write … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump: Background Twists

What our characters do can’t surprise us if we really know who they are. That starts with knowing their background. Here’s a twist on the usual school-family-work snapshot. Write Over the Hump How well do you know your character? Write … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump: The KISS Principle?

Don’t be afraid to explore what appears to be a simple concept. Sometimes simple isn’t as simple as it seems, especially when your subconscious gets in on the action. Try this one on for size. Write Over the Hump Set … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump: Exploring Desires

What we would do if we could reveals a lot about who we are. Heres another self-exploratory prompt to play with. Write Over the Hump  If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Write about what … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump: Characters

Knowing our characters’ favorites helps us get inside their heads. Knowing our own helps us figure out who we are. Either way, this is a fun exercise. Write Over the Hump  List: your favorite food, color, song, movie or TV … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump: Surprise Concepts

Some of the best things happen when we juxtapose things that don’t go together. Surprises can be fun. Write Over the Hump Set your timer for 10 minutes. Start with, “It really happened.” Use these words or phrases as part … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump: Descriptions that Sing

Recap of the “Rules”: Set your timer for 10 minutes. Read the prompt. Start the timer and begin writing. Keep writing no matter what. Don’t stop to think or fix anything. Stop when the timer dings. Beware: Timed writing can … Continue reading

Write Over The Hump: Outside the Box

Welcome to Write Over The Hump! I’ve learned, though teaching my “What If? Writing Group” classes**, that timed writing exercises are a great way to bypass the conscious mind and enter fully into the subconscious. Timed writing shuts off the … Continue reading