Category Archives: Write Over the Hump
Here’s a fun, weird little situation that will make your creativity sit up and take notice. Set your timer for 10 to 15 minutes, start to write, and see what your subconscious pulls up! You go to a street fair … Continue reading
Photos are worth a thousand words, mainly because they make our minds race with images, connections, What If?s, How-did-this-happens, etc. A picture can hold an entire story in its one image. That’s why pictures are such a great way to … Continue reading
Here’s an imaginative situation for you to play with. Don’t overthink it; don’t worry if you don’t write this genre. Just set your timer for 10 minutes, begin writing, and see what happens. Situation: You purchase a new cleaning product … Continue reading
What do you see in this photograph? Where is it, here or on some other planet? Let your imagination have free rein as you write for 10 minutes. And be sure to send me your unique story for the contest; … Continue reading
Here’s an opening that’s sure to lead into some very interesting places. Let your imagination go wild as you set your timer for 10 minutes and begin to write. Don’t stop; keep that pen (or fingers) moving. And send me … Continue reading
Here’s an interesting picture I took one day up in San Francisco. It set my mind spinning. What can your imagination make of it? What exactly is it and what does it do? Set that timer for 10 minutes and … Continue reading
Here’s an intriguing little start for a story. Give yourself 10 minutes and see where your imagination takes it. And as always, send your story to me for the contest, and I’ll post the top three contenders on Monday. Send … Continue reading