Author Mar Preston in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada It’s no use sitting inside grumbling, looking at the birds frolicking outside in the snow. So far, and it’s only early January, it hasn’t been that cold, hovering up and down around freezing … Continue reading
Category Archives: Writing Skills
Author Anne Schroeder Thank you Susan for inviting me into your world of clever mystery. I’m an early admirer from your very first novel and have watched your career with admiration. What is it I do? My writing is set … Continue reading
Here’s a prompt that’s rather appropriate since we’re in the “dead of winter” right now. It’s sure to start your creative juices flowing. Set that timer for 10, 15, or 20 minutes, and start to write! Where will this journey … Continue reading
Some of the best things happen when we juxtapose things that don’t go together. Surprises can be fun. Set your timer for 10 minutes. Start with, “I wouldn’t lie to you.” Use these words or phrases as part of what … Continue reading
by: Author Brandy McKay Today, we have writer/author Brandy McKay, giving those of us who are on the fence about this writing-thing, who wonder if we really can do it, can accomplish a life-long dream, the wisdom and advice to … Continue reading
Here’s a sentence to start you muse humming. What do you see in this sentence? What will happen from this point? Who is, or will be, involved? Let your imagination run wild while your timer counts down those 10 or … Continue reading
I wrote this for my writing group, SLO NightWriters, and thought it might be of interest to other writers out there. I’ve used examples (in italics) throughout from my own writing, illustrating what I’m saying and what I’ve learned through … Continue reading
Here’s an interesting holiday photo for you to sink your teeth into… what do you see in this image? How does it make you feel? What might be happening to it, because of it, or from it? Set that timer, … Continue reading
by: Author Debra Davis Hinkle Humans have two brain hemispheres that talk to each other. For many years it was thought that we were either left- or right-brain dominate in our decision making. It appears to me that some people … Continue reading
This week, let’s think outside the proverbial box: Look around the room and pick out three pieces of furniture. Now write a short story or scene and use those three pieces in your writing, but not as they are intended … Continue reading