I got this picture from Anna Unkovich, a great writer in her own right. She’s in my “What If? Writing Group” and has a unique perspective on life. She also takes fabulous pictures. This one really spoke to me. (Check … Continue reading
Tag Archives: genre
There’s only one week left, now, before the reveal of the winners of the 23rd annual SLO NightWriters Short Story and Poetry contest. This contest has grown so much in just the last two years, from a rather provincial, small-town, … Continue reading
This photo is one of series I discovered on www.scientopia.org from AbuNawaf.com. The photographer caught a pair of birds in the street, where one lay dying. I chose this photo for its amazing poignancy that lends itself so well to … Continue reading
This picture, from a website advertising hiking gear (http://www.healthyhikergear.com/), immediately caught my eye. Most people would pass it by as a somewhat interesting snapshot of muddy boots and not pay much attention—unless they were into proper footwear for hiking. But … Continue reading
I’m starting over, in more ways than one. First: I’m redoing my blog. I called it “Woman of 1,000 Words” because that’s my nickname in my family. I’d originally intended to write exactly 1,000 words a week, every week, only … Continue reading
Here I am again, reinventing my (writing) self online. And enjoying it, much to my amazement. I’ve been dragged kicking and screaming into this technological world, but somehow I seem to be surviving. So far. Things surely have changed since … Continue reading