Write Over The Hump

For our writing to feel authentic, we need to delve deep inside our own lives. By accessing our own feelings, we can give our characters feelings readers will believe and empathize with. You’ve got 10 minutes for this one… Write … Continue reading

Write Over The Hump

Here’s one for your imagination to chew on. Set that timer and let the words just flow and see where they take you. 10 minutes, everyone… It will only happen if the phone rings twice.

Write Over The Hump

Some openings immediately get our creative juices flowing. This is one like that. A hint of mystery, of danger, of who-knows-what, all in one short sentence. Where will you take it? Jazzy watched her put it in the soup.

Write Over the Hump

Finding a plot is often the process of twisting the normal out of shape. We offer a toast to congratulate accomplishments, but sunny skies and happy times do not keep readers reading. You have 15 minutes to twist this toast … Continue reading

Write Over The Hump

For this week, we have a little saying that was one of my mother’s favorites. Set your timer for 10 minutes and see what you can do with it… This one will really stretch your writing muscles! This week’s prompt: … Continue reading

Write Over The Hump

If you’re just joining “Write Over The Hump”, know that you can change pronouns and names as you wish. Most importantly, don’t edit, don’t stop once you start writing, and don’t plan out what you will write. Just let the … Continue reading

Write Over The Hump

This is a fun prompt that should really get your creative juices flowing. Remember, you can change the pronoun, or even substitute an actual name. Then set your timer for 10 minutes and let the words flow. You might even … Continue reading

Write Over The Hump

This week we’re trying something a little different. To produce successful works we need to access our deepest emotions, not something that’s always easy. This week, I’m asking you to take a look inside and pull up some long-buried feelings, feelings … Continue reading

Write Over The Hump

Wednesdays can be exhausting; two days behind us, but two still to come in our busy workweeks. Taking a little time (only 10 minutes) to write can boost spirits and energize not only our bodies but also our creativity. This … Continue reading