Write Over The Hump

Here’s a fun photo to set your mind whirling. What is this thing, just a bug, or is it something quite different? Where did it come from? What does it want? What will happen if it doesn’t get it? Let … Continue reading

Write Over The Hump

Here’s an interesting nature photograph that will start your creative juices flowing. What do you see in it? Something human, natural, otherworldly? What made this tree what it is? What is it reaching for? What would it say if it … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump

What do you see in this photograph? Where is it, here or on some other planet? Let your imagination have free rein as you write for 10 minutes. And be sure to send me your unique story for the contest; … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump

Here’s an interesting picture I took one day up in San Francisco. It set my mind spinning. What can your imagination make of it? What exactly is it and what does it do? Set that timer for 10 minutes and … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump

Something a little different this week, a prompt from a photograph. Who knows what it is? Only the photographer and writers with vivid imaginations. What do you see in this picture? Where does it take your story? Be sure to … Continue reading

Danger From Above

Here’s a photo I snapped one dark night, when clouds boiled across the sky and the moon snuck into corners of shadow, hiding from its own light. What I see here is a UFO approaching Earth, ready to do—what? Destroy … Continue reading

The Birthday That Went Bad

Anna Unkovich (www.annaunkovich.com) sent me this fascinating photo, the third of the trio that told the saga of the setting: one without the cake, one with the cake, and the third with the cake eaten. I found the third to … Continue reading

Cat Falls For Cloth Doll

Even silly snaps we take ourselves can spark some great story ideas. This one I took of my (late) cat, Sir Whikis the Weighty (aka Whiskers) not only makes people laugh, it also gives writers great fodder for story ideas … Continue reading

Danger in the Moment?

Sometimes even the most mundane, ill-composed snaps can offer story opportunities. I took this one Christmas while my Dad, Ed Tuttle, was still alive. I don’t remember what he and my cousin Dennis Sullivan were looking at, but my imagination … Continue reading