Write Over The Hump

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Can you write a thousand words about this photo? Who is he? What is he thinking? What is his life like? What or who is he looking at? Is he pensive, … Continue reading

Write Over The Hump

It’s Hump Day again, another Wednesday, and time to dust off that timer and let your creativity have free rein. Here’s an actual sign I saw posted on a fence while I was waiting in my car in line at … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump

Life takes us in many directions. Here’s a situation to play with that I had to deal with recently. Let’s see what you can do with it! Set that timer, put your thinking cap on, and write! You wake up … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump

Today we’ll delve a bit inside ourselves, since all our writing incorporates pieces of ourselves in it, even if it’s speculative, fantasy, or sci-fi. The more we can access what lies deep within, the better our writing will be. So, … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump

Nature can be one of the best idea creators. Here’s a photo of the sky that I took one day: is it daytime or night time? Is that the sun or the moon? Where is the red coming from? Is … Continue reading

Write Over the Hump

We’ve all felt this was at one time or another. This week, pick a character from one of your stories and let that character spout off as he/she poses then answers this prompt. 15 minutes, get set, go! Damn, why … Continue reading