Write Over The Hump

Take something ordinary and twist it into something extraordinary. Or unusual. Or even dangerous. That’s your task for today’s 10-minute exercise. Tea, they said, is good for you, and I believed them.

Write Over The Hump

It’s fun to blame someone else for a problem or difficulty. Here’s your chance to let it all out on paper. Set that timer for 10 minutes and put the onus all on him! It was Caden’s fault, like always.

Write Over The Hump

Even a cliche situation can lead to fun and original stories, when we let our imaginations run wild. See what you can do with this cliche situation… in 10 minutes. She never should have gone into the attic.

Write Over The Hump

For our writing to feel authentic, we need to delve deep inside our own lives. By accessing our own feelings, we can give our characters feelings readers will believe and empathize with. You’ve got 10 minutes for this one… Write … Continue reading

Write Over The Hump

Here’s one for your imagination to chew on. Set that timer and let the words just flow and see where they take you. 10 minutes, everyone… It will only happen if the phone rings twice.

Write Over The Hump

Some openings immediately get our creative juices flowing. This is one like that. A hint of mystery, of danger, of who-knows-what, all in one short sentence. Where will you take it? Jazzy watched her put it in the soup.

Write Over The Hump

Flashbacks can add zest to your stories, and impart information not available in any other way. Here’s a prompt that leads easily into a flashback situation… if you choose to take it there. Time it for 10 minutes and write! … Continue reading

Write Over The Hump

Writers need to be able to put emotion on the page. Emotion is what draws readers in. Sometimes, it’s hard to access our own emotions. This prompt will help you reach through to those emotions that may be too strong, … Continue reading

Write Over The Hump

Juxtaposing images or concepts makes for truly interesting writing. Here is an opening that gives you the opportunity to explore the balance between fear and comfort. Give yourself 10 minutes on your timer and begin! He sat in the dark, … Continue reading