Nature can be one of the best idea creators. Here’s a photo of the sky that I took one day: is it daytime or night time? Is that the sun or the moon? Where is the red coming from? Is … Continue reading
Nature can be one of the best idea creators. Here’s a photo of the sky that I took one day: is it daytime or night time? Is that the sun or the moon? Where is the red coming from? Is … Continue reading
I’m back again with your weekly writing prompt. Remember, you can change the pronoun/mane to suit the genre you write, but the sentence has to be the opening of whatever you produce. Set a timer for 10 minutes and write … Continue reading
At the morning session of my “What If? Writing Group” today, we got into an interesting discussion about symbols and the role they play in our stories. One of the students questioned the need for symbols at all, citing that … Continue reading